Naomi Williams: A Community Profile


For their final project, the eighth grade community journalism class at Linden SDA School has planned to develop a portfolio of interviews of Laurelton residents–both businessowners, commuters, and homeowners. Taylor Borderon has taken the task of completing the first profile of the project, interviewing a local homeowner, Ms.  Naomi Williams.

Taylor Borderon: Thank you for agreeing to do this interview, Ms. Williams. My name is Taylor Borderon from the STEAM for Social Change Program at the Linden Seventh-day Adventist school, and I’m going to ask you a few questions about your experiences and opinions about Laurelton. As a homeowner in this town, what do you like about Laurelton, why did you move here of all places?

Naomi Williams: I like that Laurelton is a quiet neighborhood with families both old and young.

TB: Is there anything you don’t like about Laurelton?

NW: I think what would make Laurelton an even better place would be a public community based sports program for kids, as well as a community based support group for the elderly.

TB: Do you think that Laurelton is safe? Have you ever experienced any situations that made you feel unsafe in the neighborhood?

NW:I think that generally Laurelton is safe, but there are some elements that threaten our safety along Merrick Boulevard. The threat comes from gang activity around the area. An increase in community safety groups and police presence would go a very long way to rid the neighborhood of these issues.

TB: Thank you so much for your cooperation!