Take a New York Minute or Two


The last few weeks of the year is always busy.  I remember when I was high school administrator- teachers and I would speak often of creative ways to keeps students engaged and focused.   With the holidays swiftly approaching, it’s fair to say that that it’s not just teenagers that seem to be all over the place.   Most of us are fractured in thought this time of year.  We’ve got a lot going on!  Whether it’s the reality that our holidays are not so happy, the thought of having to plan another family gathering, or the expense that this season often brings, it’s a lot. This has been labeled the giving season- but as I watch and observe, it seems often like the doing season.  We have to visit, shop, cook, clean, and prep, we are just on the go-go-go.  


In the end, it’s always worth it, but we are always burnt out and exhausted  AND there is no recovery time, by the time we finish cleaning the dishes and putting them away, we are preparing to do it all again. However a yoga practice is that time to pause.  It’s not just about strong arms and lean muscle, it’s about being and breathing.  Most of the classes in my yoga studio are 75 minutes.  That time is sacred.  It is crafted and carved out specifically for each student to go within.  To be on their mat.  In their body.  With their breath.

We don’t always make the time or have the time to take care…  well, maybe not 75 minutes.  But we we do have five.  Yes, we do.  Between now and the holidays.  Take five minutes to just sit.  Just be.  No to do list.  No social media posts.  No web surfing.  Sit and be.  Breathe.  If sitting in stillness or in silence is a struggle for you, I  suggest sitting in front of a plant, flower, or my personal favorite- a lit candle (it can be  one of those flickering fake ones).  Just breathe and let your soft gaze be on that flower, plant or candle.  If you know you need sound around you, choose “spa” music- something with no lyrics.  We want to use these five minutes to pause, sit and be- not sing along and dance like nobody’s watching.  You can do that two- but then take ten minutes!! 🙂 Why not, you’re worth it, you’ll be better for you. And when it’s said and done, the time will go by quicker than a New York minute…time well spent.

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Syntyché Francella
Syntyché Francella Syntyché, EYRT-200, RYT-500, has been practicing yoga for over 15 years. Her experience as a high school administrator has deepened her commitment to the practice of yoga, as she has witnessed first hand its benefits in the lives of both her students and former colleagues. Syntyché, has received training in self-awareness at Columbia University, is a certified mat-Pilates instructor, AromaTouch therapist, and Reiki practitioner. The design of her classes demonstrates a seamless incorporation of both the physical and spiritual elements of yoga; her classes include classic Vinyasa flow, Buti Yoga, Hot Core, Sculpt, Restorative yoga and workshops- all with space for meditation and stillness. DehyaYogaStudios 227-12A Merrick Blvd., Laurelton New York, 11413 www.dehyayogatudios.com Your mat.  Your Place.  Your Practice