My Laurelton Memory By Khalil Etoria


My favorite memory in Laurelton was when I played basketball with my friends. I was about ten years old at the time. One sunny day, the Lunch Aides allowed us to go outside and one of my friends happened to have a basketball with them. Usually the court was full. However, that day it was clear. So we split up into teams and started playing. All of us happened to like basketball so it was perfect. A few of my friends that played were Tyshaun, Caleb, Dontay, Perpens, and Herby. It didn’t start out with that many people though. After we started, a few other people decided to join us. It was fun because I got to play with most of my friends. In conclusion, that is my favorite memory in Laurelton because I got to play my favorite sport with most of my friends.