Operation Clean Up Successfully Engages Community Residents Again!





The Laurelton Operation Clean Up had another successful event   on June 2, 2018. The coalition of organizations came together to clean up Merrick Blvd. There were over 50 participants working to improve the Laurelton community.


The Operation Clean Up event was lead in partnership The Federated Blocks of Laurelton and 105th Precinct and Law Enforcement HS Explorers.

Members of The Federated Blocks of Laurelton
105th Precinct and Law Enforcement HS Explorers

During the clean up new t-shirts were distributed for the season. David Huie sought out additional partners to sponsor Operation Clean Up and received sponsorship from Golden Crust, The UPS Store , Fisill, in addition to VioK Marketing. This year the t-shirts have a new color of orange to represent the partnership of Golden Krust on Merrick Blvd with owners Shawn French and Marcia Hawthorn.

Melva Miller shows the new t-shirts!
Dave Huie has shown tremendous support to help grow Laurelton Operation Clean Up
Melva Miller & The Golden Krust Staff that are proud sponsors of Operation Clean Up


It is always inspiring to see community residents want to beautify and take pride in the Laurelton community.Sisters Lisa Gadson-Clark and Leslie Gadson –McCulley have been living in Laurelton for 40 years participated in the Clean up with their children.  They were inspired to participate in the clean up initiative since last year. Leslie knew it was important to participate when her son complained about the litter in Laurelton and they are happy to see the difference in the community.

Lisa knew it was important to participate when her son complained about the litter in Laurelton and they are happy to see the difference in the community. Lisa also acknowledges that the Laurelton community does not have the same amenities as other communities but knows as residents we must be held accountable. “If someone throws garbage down , shame on them but if we don’t pick it up, shame on us”, says Gadson-Clark.

Change happens in other communities because the squeaky wheel gets the prize. Black and Brown communities tend to complain in circles but not enough on platforms. The Laurelton Operation Clean Up has created a platform where people feel they can make a visual difference in their communities.

Lisa Gadson-Clark and Leslie Gadson-McCulley and her daughter volunteered in the clean up.



At the end of the Clean Up, the participants were treated to lunch by the new restaurant on Merrick Boulevard Sands Bar & Grill. The restaurant welcomed all the community residents to enjoy a free meal for loving Laurelton and keeping it beautiful.

Community Residents with the staff of Sands Bar and Grill that provided refreshments after the clean up.

The next clean up will be July 16. All are welcome. For more information please contact: laureltonoperationcleanup@gmail.com





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Next articleSave the Date! Operation Clean Up-July 14th!
Clarisa James
Clarisa James is the Co-Founder/Executive Director of DIVAS (Digital Interactive Visual Arts Sciences) for Social Justice. For the past seven years DIVAS has provided free or sliding scale technology training to youth in underserved communities in Central Brooklyn and Southeast Queens. Ms. James has been dedicated to youth development work for the past 15years in the roles of Teaching Artist, After School Director, Curriculum Specialist and artist. Her life's work encompasses empowering youth in underserved communities to use technology for social change and think critically about the issues that are affecting them most. For the past seven years Ms. James has facilitated workshops that help youth develop multimedia projects around environmental justice, housing, leadership development and reproductive justice. Ms. James holds an MFA in Integrated Media Arts from Hunter College's Film & Media Department. In addition to DIVAS for Social Justice, Ms. James currently serves on the advisory board of the Children’s Cabinet, Office of the Deputy Mayor Strategic Policy Initiatives at City Hall. Clarisa James is full of gratitude to her parents for providing such a wonderful upbringing and having the foresight to move into the community of Laurelton in the early 1970's. Clarisa is proud to be a daughter of Laurelton.