Community Garden Of Laurelton by: Shadrach St. Clair


Shalom, My name is Shadrach St.Clair. The goal of the Laurelton Garden of Resilience is to turn a old abandoned lot into a beautiful garden. The Laurelton Garden of Resilience bring the community together and will bring healthy resources.

What the community garden can do for people is people can come and relax. The elderly can come sit on benches and kids can come to play. Instead of people going  to stores to get veggies they can plant their own fruits and vegetables in the garden. Laurelton is a food swamp because it is full of junk food everywhere and there is a lack of healthy foods. There are very little healthy options in Laurelton. People have to go 5 miles to get something healthy to eat. When my class and I went out to ask people to sign the petition, they were excited to have a garden so they don’t have to go so far to get healthy food.

My school can help the garden by asking friends and family to sign the petition sheet so we can get approval for the garden. They can help us clean up. They can invite people to come help clean the garden. This project is important because Laurelton is a food swamp it needs better and healthier options.