The More Signatures, The Better The Garden – By Ashley Jiles




My name is Ashley Jiles and my goal for the Laurelton Garden of Resilience is to turn an abandoned lot into a garden where people can meditate and relax with their family or come to buy  fresh fruits and vegetables. I also want to make the community a better place. Instead of having an unused piece of land  filled with garbage, we want to change it into a garden. This is important because our community is becoming more and more of a food swamp. A food swamp is a place that has a lot of unhealthy foods. We need more vegetables and fresh fruits.

We went out on March 14,2019 to ask people if they would like to help us make this Community Garden a reality.  We went out to get people signatures and we will go out to clean the place a little more and make sure that we are clear to start planting our fruits and vegetables. We will also try to get something for the children to play with while you relax. So please, help us clean and make this garden a beautiful reality.

I felt nervous when talking to people but I think we did good as a class. I also thought it was nice to see people trying to make  their community a better place. Some people even volunteered to help us clean and ask around in other places. I think that we will succeed in creating this community garden due to the results we received the first time we went out.