“You are the creator, end all, the period, the comma, the creator of your story.You have to find something to push past and see it’s yours. That’s my prayer.”, says founder ,Therese Myers of Yes Girls Create. Yes Girls Create is a creative mentorship organization for girls 8-18, encouraging girls to dream. 5 years ago, traveling day after day on the Long Island Railroad from work, Myers contemplated her life choices as many of us do. With the encouragement of a friend, Myers enrolled in a leadership development course that helped her birth Yes Girls Create and launch an endeavor to let black and brown girls dream. The organization launched its first workshop with the support of Merna Hughes, of Laurelton Academy. Myers hosted her first workshop for girls at the school by hiring an artist to talk about connecting to the creative parts of your brain.

From the launch of their first workshop, the organization now provides monthly workshops to members of their organization on a yearly basis. For a tuition cost of $850 for the year, young girls are introduced to different fields led by women of color to explore the possibilities of different careers. . In addition to engaging in a conversation, youth participate in an activity that always provides an output to encourage curiosity. Myers works full time for a luxury jewelry line and often recalls her own experiences as a woman of color. What if she had a mentor that could have helped her while she was learning her position? How much further would she be in the creative industry as a result? ” There are so many outlets to one profession, you will not embark in these spaces,if you don’t have access . If you’re so passionate, you know your drive can get you there” believes Myers.
Impact for a grassroots organization is often based in the philanthropic world on data but Myers sees the change, one child at a time through changes in mindset. Myers shared the transformation of a mother and daughter’s mindset as a result of the Yes Girls Create impact:
A young girl’s mom was a teacher and didn’t think she would go to college.I knew she was a senior in high school and I decided to plan a college trip to St. Johns and involve the St. John’s Dance Team. The young ladies from the dance team spoke about their experience of participating on different dance teams and shared their journey. It was a warm day in November. I remember walking up the hill and taking a picture of the girls. I remember watching her and seeing in her eyes light up, that she could be in college. Her Mom called me the next day and said ” Thank you. She sees herself going to college, and at least she’s open to that.” There are some possibilities out there. I don’t know if I can change 300 lives, maybe it’s just one.” We also have to work on the parents’ mindset as well. Not having the ability to dream comes from a place that is deeply rooted and permeates down to the young people.

Yes Girls Create Inc. will Co Host with Everything Be Well, the annual Be Well Be Creative conference at St. John’s University on February 24, 2024. The one day conference provides 60 girls access to hourly workshops that focus on tapping into the importance of your creativity, health and wellness. 27 women of color have offered their time to provide interactive workshops for the event highlighting their career expertise as well. Some of the Bronze sponsors are Pardon My Fro , Tiffany & CO., African Brilliance Collective Employee Resource Group, and BagSMART. All of the participants will receive two meals for the day and a bag full of giveaways. Sixty percent of the tickets are sold but some are still available. The organization also provides scholarships to the event. If you are interested in being a sponsor or sponsoring a scholarship you can access here.
Yes Girls Create would like to expand programming in the upcoming year to include schools and is interested in bringing girls to Camp Bernie in June 2024 for a retreat to learn about team building. Creating spaces that spark joy in black and brown girls are few and far between. Myers recognizes, “We always have to go into spaces and be on. We have the most phenomenal experiences with the therapists who come to our program. The joy feeling comes from within, I can come in and be myself. I am talking to my 8 year old self, my 12 year old self. It’s literally about creating these spaces .”

To learn more, visit Yes Girls Create.