All It Takes Is A Signature. By: Laila Prentice


Hi, my name is Laila Prentice. I’m from Linden SDA School and I would like to take a few minutes to explain what  the Laurelton Community Garden of Resilience is. The goals of the Laurelton Community Garden of Resilience is  to serve as a place for everyone to gather, young and old. It will act as a community gathering spot. It will serve as a place for meditation as well as a farmers market where you can plant fruits and vegetables. It will help our community look even more beautiful than it already is.  I think a garden is a better choice than a abandon lot.

The community garden is very important because our community, which is Laurelton , is a food desert. We hardly have any organic food stores, or any thing that beneficial to community. But instead we have dozens & dozens of food stores, such as McDonalds, Popeyes, Chinese Food, and much more . Our community garden will help fix all of that. When we went out into the neighborhood, the people we encountered were all very different but eight out of ten times they really wanted this community garden to happen. They were very interested in what we had to say and even had some of their own ideas and wanted to help out with our project.My  group and I  got 7 signatures, which is isn’t a lot I know, but it’s a good start. The trip was a good experience.

 In conclusion, our garden project is an excellent idea and not only does it help our community but it helps our class too.