The New York Public Lawyers of Interest and The Lawyers Alliance of New York have assembled a resource that provides resources for understanding the law around immigration enforcement. The document targets non-profits but it is important that the greater community is aware of this information.
According to the NYPL website:
This guide provides practical advice on how to deal with specific scenarios and background on key issue areas, including:
- What happens if ICE comes to your nonprofit?
- How can nonprofits manage staff and clients during an immigration enforcement action?
- What should nonprofits do if they receive an ICE subpoena?
This guidance is for informational purposes only and reflects current policies, which may change.
Non-Profit Providers that run programming in public or private buildings must be aware the difference between a judicial search & seizure warrant versus a warrant of removal/ deportation.
Included are samples within the booklet to educate individuals on what to look for.

You can download a copy here.