The Federated Blocks of Laurelton hosted its monthly meeting on February 2, 2017 at the Theta Chi Chapter office in Laurelton. President, Dwight Johnson opened the meeting with a review of the last meeting in January including the visit from Sanitation and reports from the 105th precinct of crime being down in the community. The Federation also expressed the January meeting the need to provide additional traffic agents because of the accidents on Merrick Boulevard.
The February 2 meeting kicked off with special guest, Hector Garcia of the Long Island Rail Road (LIRR). Mr. Garcia is the Senior Director of Public Relations at the LIRR. Mr. Garcia spoke at length about all of the advances that will be taking place at LIRR. Some of the great changes will be a shuttle service will take effect to Brooklyn which will reflect a 5-7 minute opportunity to catch the train during peak hours and an opportunity to catch the train every 15 minutes. Currently, the train to Brooklyn is available every30-40 minutes on the hours. The LIRR is also aiming to provide additional Eastside Access and grow train capacity through 2023. These changes will effect the Laurelton station. Mr. Garcia also provided the following information in regards to ridership in our surrounding area:
Valley Stream 2476 riders per day
Rosedale 1832 riders per day
Laurelton 1389 riders per day
Locust Manor: 461 riders per day
Mr. Garcia took questions from community members. Some of the concerns expressed about the Laurelton station included the need for the station to be handicapped accessible and the need to keep the lobby station doors open during the weekends and when there is extreme weather. Mr. Garcia explained that stations only get renovations with political pressure. Mr. Bishop, of Councilman Richards office acknowledged the need for renovation of station and expressed that the office has been fielding complaints about the station and reaching out to the MTA to bring about change.
Following Mr. Garcia’s presentation, Mr. Bishop presented on behalf of Councilman Richards office. Mr. Bishop reported on the office testifying that same day at the Queens Borough Land Use hearing against a BSA variance application that would enable an extremely small two-story, two-family home in the Laurelton area. This application does not comply with the required yard square footage and does not blend in with the character of the neighborhood. Chief of staff, Mercedes Buchanan took the lead in presenting to the council. Councilman Richards office will be planning a press release in regards to the concern in Laurelton with the illegal housing being built in the area. Mr. Bishop also addressed the upcoming closing of many stores on Merrick Boulevard, which included: Associated Supermarket, Duane Reade, and CVS. Mr. Bishop explained that while the Councilman’s office can suggest and encourage what comes to the community, they have jurisdiction over private property.
Realtor, David Lucas was a great segue from Mr. Bishop’s presentation. Mr. Lucas explained in detail that Laurelton is considered an R2A, which is considered a strictly on family zone so it is a huge concern with the illegal two-story housing taking place. The medium price of a home in Laurelton is currently $477,000 and there are about 80 homes on the market for sale. Lucas also spoke about the migration of new residents leaving Brooklyn as a result of the gentrification. Lucas also said Laurelton will eventually feel the impact of gentrification of the Jamaica area as a result of $35 billion dollar capital improvement that will happen for the Jamaica area.
The 105th Precinct provided a detailed crime report on the Laurelton area and crime is down by 2% in the area but there is an increase in domestic violence case.
Assemblywoman Hyman’s office provided a report as well offering a free Tax Prep Program for residents who have an income under $54,000 a year. The office will also be providing a Mobile Legal Van to residents starting on March 3rd, 2017. The Mobile Legal Van will be available every other Friday from 9 AM-1PM.
The Federated Blocks of Laurelton closed the meeting encouraging residents to watch programming highlighting Black History Month on the Queens Access Channel and will be hosting a Valentines Day Dance on February 11, 2017 as a fundraiser at:
The American Legion Post
240 -08 135th Ave.
Rosedale, NY 11422