Nothing Is Just Too Expensive. By: Kyle Johnson


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Since the prices for clothing in stores are so high, people can barely afford the clothes they want.
If the price mark-ups for clothing stays so high, then people won’t even be able to afford plain T-shirts.

According to, in 2003, Carrie Bradshaw’s famous Manolo Blahniks cost $485. Exactly ten years later, the same style is $755, a 56 percent increase.

There are consumers who think that the fashion industry is a huge market and that’s why people keep their prices high.

Tája Moore, a consumer living in New York thinks the prices of merchandises have increased.
She said, “I shop a lot. I shop at least four times a month.” Moore said, “I think the cost of clothing has increased because fashion is a competitive field and maybe sellers have to keep their prices high to keep people interested.”

Another person who feels like the fashion industry keeps their prices high because it’s a huge market is  Clarisa James. She said, “ I think the cost of clothing has increased because it is all a marketing ploy.” She even believes that “cost of living has gone up. Some examples are the rent being too high and the utilities, etc.”

What needs to be done about this problem? Clothing businesses need to lower their prices or make it so people can afford it even if they’re on a budget, because some people usually are. If this doesn’t happen soon, once people grow bigger and their clothes don’t fit them and they need new clothes, they won’t be able to afford them. Luckily, from November 11th, 2019, prices have been dropping.

According to,  merchants have listened and since then decreased prices since November 2019.

Clearly, progress has been made and now since the prices have dropped, clothing will become affordable.