Rule Breaking Generation. By: David Joseph


These days, children are breaking rules and are paying the consequences. The frightening outcome is that they’re becoming bullies. This is occurring in our schools, homes, and other public places.

Throughout the world, there are various opinions on rules and how they are used to govern society. Some individuals perceive rules as laws you abide by if you do not want to be punished or penalized. On the contrary, some believe that rules are meant to be broken and are useless.

 Study shows that kids who break rules are less likely to succeed in life. Laurelton.NYC spoke with a group of students from STEAM at the Linden SDA middle school about their views on rules. Joshua Bellevue believes that rules are necessary.

“I think rules are important because without them, people will run around willy-nilly doing wrong things.”

Faith Griffith said “rules help us to stay alive and keep us safe.”

Teachers are huge advocates for rules. They are known for creating rules that set the tone in their classrooms. Pierre Percy, a STEAM instructor say “they are guidelines to live our lives and I have seen the consequences they have.”

Rules are needed so that bullies and mean children don’t get away with hurting others. Rule breakers usually turn into mean folks and even bullies. You may be asking yourself ‘what is bulling?’ Bullying is the use of force or threat to abuse or intimidate. Bulling is often repeated and habitual. You also may be asking ‘what is cyber bullying?’ Cyber bulling is the use of threat or insult against someone online. Cyber bullying is hard to notice by adults and teachers. So that makes cyber bullying the most common form of bullying.

Did you know that famous people experience cyberbullying? But most of them just don’t show it.

Here is what ”” says you should do to stop cyberbullying:

  • The APA recommends that teachers, parents, and students can take certain actions to address bullying.
  • Learn what cyberbullying is, its impact, and what you can do if the victim is you or your child.
  • Kids aren’t the only bullies. Bullying also occurs in the workplace. Learn more about the strategies employers are using to put a stop to this destructive practice.

Rules are meant to keep a steady flow in society and prevent unnecessary harm like bullying.