Operation Clean Up kicked off its 2020 Season in partnership with DIVAS for Social Justice. Both organizations serve as stewards to the newly minted Garden Of Resilience . Garden Of Resilience is supported by Greenthumb. Community residents planted flowers beds in front of the community garden to commemorate the start of the growing season.
15 volunteers weeded, turned soil and started building a tool shed for the community garden.Garden Of Resilience also received an outside Black Lives Matter Banner designed by Collin Gayle and printed by The UPS Store on Merrick Boulevard as a gift to the space. The mission of Garden Of Resilience is to address the issue of food access and education in the wake of COVID-19. Garden Of Resilience will provide healthy food options to the community. The community garden space will get it’s raised garden beds delivered the week of July 6th, 2020. To become a member of Garden Of Resilience ,click here.